New Fabrics

Hi, welcome to my blog and my first entry. To introduce myself, I am a mother, wife, and pet owner. I spend my days being creative as a professional artist and designer in textile and surface design (that’s basically anything you can put a design on). I have also designed mountains of needlework and quilts and have written quilt books. 

My latest design venture was creating a fabric collection of 20 fabrics, Sweetheart Ballerinas with Quilting Treasures. These fabrics debuted last week at the International Quilt Market in Salt Lake City and had me floating above the ground for several days.  Phyllis Dobbs with a quilt made of Sweetheart Ballerina FabircThat’s me in the Quilting Treasures booth standing in front of a quilt designed with Sweetheart Ballerinas.  It is such fun to me, designing, sewing and quilting items with my fabrics, although I didn’t  design the one above. 

This is a snapshot of part of the Sweetheart Ballerinas fabric collection. The entire collection can be viewed on my websitePhyllis Dobbs Sweetheart Ballerinas fabric stash

I love creating things to use in home decor, especially with fabrics and a sewing machine.  My  home is always a work in progress as I am always changing things.  There’s nothing like a new color paint to completely change the way a room looks. Add some great fabrics and you’ve redecorated so easily with such things as window swags or throw pillows. I have so many pillows that they have to be moved before you can sit or sleep. I don’t know what it is about pillows, but I just love them.  Sweetheart Ballerinas PillowcaseThis pillow is for sleeping, covered with a pillowcase I made with the aqua colors of the Sweetheart Ballerinas. 

I guess its time for me to quit writing as Kitty Kat is sitting in my lap wanting to help me type. Thank you for joining me and  I hope you are back again very soon!

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  1. I love your blog! You can do anything! Can’t wait to see more photos of you fabulous fabric and adventures at Surtex. I’d like to see photos of the the fabrics up close. Thanks for linking to my blog. I’ll reciprocate. Kathryn

  2. Thanks and more photos will follow!

  3. Hi Phyllis,

    what a beautiful Blog! I’ll be talking to you about the way you designed it! it looks just like you! The fabrics are beautiful, too! can’t wait to see what you do next. Thanks for linking to my blog…I’ll do the soon as I figure it out!


  4. Hi Phyllis,
    You are always up to something! You are one talented lady and an inspiration! i don’t think anyone knows just how much you do and how many things you do, AND HOW WELL YOU DO THEM!!

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