Create Product Mockups, 93 templates for artists

I’m pleased to announce that I have completed my collection of product mockup templates that I have been working on for over 2 years.  They are compiled on a CD Create Product Mockups. Two years seems like a long time ago from when I started this, but I had so many interruptions – you know, work with deadlines!  So it kept getting pushed back in spite of some people regularly asking about it.

The templates will allow you to easily put your best foot forward when showing your art to manufacturers, on mockups similar to their products.

Create Product Mockups contains 93 templates in Photoshop files and are created with clean vecor lines to give a professional mockup.  They are are also in high resolution for sharp printing.

The templates are transparent and not filled so you can use multiple methods of creating your mockup, including inserting layers under the template, as well as paste and paste into.  The collection comes with easy-to-follow and straight forward directions to easily and quickly complete professional looking product mockups.

The 93 templates cover a wide variety of products and categories for the most popular licensed products. Photoshop is required.

For more information as well as purchase information, please visit Create Product Mockups.

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  1. hi phyllis!
    wow! what a fabulous tool you have created! thank you so much for sharing it with the world!
    i cannot wait to see all the wonderful things you create this year!

  2. Happy New Year Phyllis !
    These look great!! I have a question for you. Are they all separated into individual images?

    I hope you have a wonderful market!!

  3. Thanks Melissa and Sue.

    Sue, they are separated so that each mockup is an individual image. You can then combine them into collections as you wish, or make multiples for a set.

    Happy New Year to you as well.

  4. Hi Phyllis – I can’t wait to receive your product and learn what I can do using your ingenuity with my images. Such fun, great idea. By the way, my check is in the mail! 🙂

  5. Phyllis, Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your sweet comments!
    You look GORGEOUS in this photo with Mary! What a thrill it must have been to have your photo taken together.

    So nice to chat with you and all of the other artists on Surface Designers!


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