Surtex and the National Stationery Show

Its always exciting to attend the Surtex and the National Stationery Shows, both held concurrently in New York at the Javits Center last week. While the weather was gloomy, none of this gloom penetrated the shows which were hot and hip, filled with vibrant colors and and wondeful art. I attended as my agency, Jewel Branding and Licensing was exhibting in the Surtex show for art licensing. Surtex has grown this year in the number of exhibitors, which is a great sign. Many booths were so spectacular, stopping people in their tracks! And exhibitors I spoke with were excited about the number and quantity of contacts they spoke with.

My photos didn’t turn out too well.  I must have had my camera setting set on “grainy” so most of my pictures are awful so I don’t have many to share. Many of us attended the Surtex opening night party which was held in Battery Park. Fortunately, the rain stopped and although it remained cloudy and damp, it didn’t dampen the spirit of the partiers. Enjoying the party are, beginning at the left, Corrina Bucholz, Robin Pickens, myself,  and Erin Serpa and Ilene Guy of Simon & Kabuki. Amy Medhurst was behind the camera.

Surtex Anniversary Party

Robin Pickens and Phyllis Dobbs at SurtexI enjoyed spending time chatting with friend and artist Robin Pickens in the Jewel booth.

The National Stationery show was filled with wonderful stationery products, from cards to all types of stationery accessories.  A Paper Runway exhibit in the stationery show was spectacular with the dresses make of paper.  The exhibit and contest were sponsored by NYC’s LIM College.  Other dresses were from DCWV Scrapbook Papers. Here are a couple of the dresses.

2 dresses from Paper Runway

Now, to get busy with work!


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  1. Hello Phillis,

    I love these photos, thanks for sharing with us your experience at Surtex.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  2. Phyllis! I posted my pics of you and I in the booth and the opening party too!
    Great minds think alike!

  3. Glad to be catching up here today Phyllis. I’m enjoying seeing your photos and hearing about the shows. I think this is the closest I’ll ever get to them.

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