Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s – a day that love is in the air! And a day that we express our love, love from our heart. The heart represents our feelings of love and I want to share my heart with you. I doodled this simple heart on an art journal page I worked on recently.

Phyllis Dobbs Heart doodle

Express your love, but not just to your significant other – share it with your parents, your children, and friends along with a Valentine hug.  And don’t forget to hug your pets – they give us so much love too!

These other talented artists are participating in a Valentine’s Day international blog hop. So please check out their blogs for  extra Valentine art –

Chris Chun (thanks Chris for organizing this!)

Allison Langton

Gabby Malpas

Patricia Shea

Sharon Himes

Barbara Johansen Newman

Skye Rogers

Belinda Strong

Ellen Blonder



Peggy Jo Ackley

I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day!


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One Comment

  1. Hi Phyllis – I am just now hoping to the blogs. This is a very nice piece. Happy Valentines Day!

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