A Favorite Part of my Job….Fabrics!

Woohoo!  A favorite part of my job is when I receive a box of my fabrics! A just heard the door bell dingdong and went downstairs to see what the UPS guy left. The UPS or FedEx guys are the only ones that ring my doorbell in mid-afternoon, so I knew it had to be one of them.  There sat a huge box that was waaaaaaay too heavy for me to even move. So I looked to see who it was from, then went to get a pair scissors to open it. It was filled with my new fabric collection “Celebrate” from Quilting Treasures.

Celebrate fabrics by Phyllis Dobbs

I can’t wait to get started on more projects using the fabrics! You can see what the fabrics look like plus some free patterns that are available for download from Quilting Treasures in my prior post. The fun colors are great for birthday celebrations for all ages.

Stay cool!


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  1. so cool and fun! I’m still waiting for my turn to have this experience! See you soon in Atlanta!

  2. Hi Phyllis – Yes, I agree. Best part of the job, aside from occasionally working in pajamas! 😉

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