Today’s 101010 Project question is answered by Larua Otero.

2nd Blog
A little about Laura: Laura is a marketing professional, graphic designer, writer and lover of all things creative living her best life in Charleston, SC. On most days, you will find Laura sharing her artful adventures at, as well as helpful online tutorials, app reviews and design bits of goodness on her blog.
Blogging about online marketing has provided Laura an outlet to share much of what she has learned through her years in the online tourism and television markets. Her online marketing journey began in 2005, when she was internet marketing director for her local tourism bureau – when social media was emerging. She also worked in internet sales/marketing for a top NBC station in South Carolina, whose website drew more than 500,000 visitors a month.
In 2010, Laura signed up for Kelly Rae Roberts “Flying Lessons” e-course. She immersed herself into artistic pursuits away from the computer and shares her progress with her readers at
Laura enjoys art journaling, painting, tweeting, making jewelry, traveling and (of course) blogging. She has been known to hold a craft tweet-up and loves handmade items.
The Question #8: Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?
I’d love to sit and talk with Kelly Rae Roberts. Having followed her blog for years, I signed up for her “Flying Lessons” course over two years ago and loved it. She has inspired so many “flyers” from all around the world. I feel like I found my creative “tribe” online through Kelly. We have a Facebook group where we connect, and have since followed each other’s blogs and twitter accounts.
What I love about Kelly most is… Her belief in herself, her gorgeous art, her inspiring quotes painted into her work, her spirit, and her writing/blogging.
What would we talk about? I’d ask her to share her dream-to-life process. For example, how does she know what direction to take her art biz? I’m sure it’s part-heart and part-biz savvy, but I’d love to know the process from start to finish! I’d also ask her how she structures her day in terms of art and blogging/biz computer stuff. I try to write my blog posts in blocks, but they don’t always feel as inspiring to me that way.
I’d ask her what the one thing is that she would have done differently over the past few years. I have a tendency to take on too much at once, and I have noticed she also works very, very hard. She taught the first Flying Lessons class when she was very pregnant and moving! Does she regret pushing herself so hard, or is it necessary to grow the biz? I’m learning to take more time for self-care and quiet time, which is why I’m curious.
Then I would thank her from the bottom of my heart for being such an inspiring force for so many of us creatives!
Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! Please check back tomorrow for my answer in the final post of this 101010 Project blog series!
Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose? What value is there to having that aligned?
Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor? What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?
Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.
Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?
Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?
Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?
Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand? What did the evolution look like?
Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 1