International Quilt Market is always a beautiful trade show, full of eye candy with all the beautiful colors of quilts and fabrics. It was an exciting event for me as Meow, Meow, my new cat fabric collection debuted with Quilting Treasures.
I also created several projects for Quilting Treasures’ booth using Meow Meow. I’m in the center with Donna (left) and Jodi (right) from Quilting Treasures. The two quilted projects shown in front are a Meow Meow Cat Carrier (with a fluffy white “stuffed” cat), and a Meow Meow Table Runner. Free instructions for making the table runner as well as a quilt will be on the Quilting Treasures website for downloading soon. I will post a link when it it up.

Two other quilted projects that I designed with Meow Meow cat fabrics are a Chair Back Cover and a Tote Bag.

Quilt Market was held in Portland, OR in mid-May, during an unexpected heatwave with temperatures in the 90’s. Since I live in the South with high temperatures, I was looking forward to the cooler days in Portland. Oh well, at least it didn’t rain.
Portland was really beautiful with all the flowers blooming. Even though Portland is known for roses, I think it should be noted for rhododendrons as they were huge and blooming everywhere. They were gorgeous and gave additional eye candy for Quilt Market.

After Quilt Market as I took a vacation to Seattle and an Alaskan cruise. Please check back for lots more from Quilt Market as well as some photos of unbelievable scenic views from Alaska and Mt Ranier.