ArtBizJam Interview with Guest Instructor Anne Brown

This week’s interview is with Anne Brown, Director of Product Development for Magnet Works and Studio M. As an artist, I find it completely spellbinding listening to Anne talk about the development side of creating product lines. You can have the opportunity to learn from Anne as one of the instructors at ArtBizJam, an artist retreat/workshop taking place in Destin, FL September 18-22, 2013.

Anne Brown ArtbizJam

You can join Anne, licensing artists Lori Siebert, Paula Joerling and myself for fun on the beach, a little wine and lots of information about the business side of art licensing as well as creative play time with new techniques!

We want to keep it small so that some of the discussions can be tailored to your specific needs. We are almost full and registration closes August 10.

You can find all the details at

Among other things, Anne will be discussing the following topics at ABJ.

1. Finding Your Creative Spark. Everyone has one but some have yet to define and commit to it. Anne will discuss the importance of identifying your Spark, what ignites it and how to stay true to it.

2. Share Your Spark. Learn from a Product Developer ! Anne will discuss her perspective of what a product developer wants to see in portfolio presentations and their expectations during development. You will learn how to determine which products best work for your artwork.

3.  Ignite Your Spark. A trending field trip to learn the in’s and out’s of determining trends, plus much more information on correctly predicting trends.

You can see the full class schedule for ArtBizJam.

Artbizjam date

Anne’s Interview:

Why did you want to be involved with ArtBizJam?

When Lori, Paula and Phyllis called me to share their vision for the retreat, I was inspired by their passion and purpose. I was thrilled to be included as a guest teacher.

What will people get out of attending this particular workshop?

I hope the participants walk away with a better sense of their creative purpose and tools to enrich their business and art.

What makes this workshop/retreat special and different from other workshops?

ArtBizJam is a creative renewal that encourages realness, vision and kinship. I love that it was tailor-made for an intimate group of artists who are interested in growing personally and professionally while having a blast doing it!

How do you reconcile your passion of developing product with the business side of art?

My passion and job is developing products with licensed artists and designers. As a Product Developer, it is crucial I am always looking through the lens of my retail customer and end consumer. This means there are times I have to pass on an artist I admire personally because it is not the right fit for my product.

What are you looking forward to fun-wise with ArtBizJam?

I am looking forward to a long weekend of learning, sharing and creativity…on the beach. Our hostesses have taken great care in planning every detail and know this will be a memorable weekend!

We look forward to seeing you at ArtBiz Jam!


Atlanta Gift Market – Trends and Friends!

I just returned from the the Atlanta Gift Market, which is always a favorite trip of mine! There is always so much visually stimulating eye candy, swirls of color, and great times meeting up with friends.

The trends I saw this time in still bold colors, were bags. Bags, bags, bags, everywhere – tote bags and purses. The gift showrooms all had some kind of bag as well as jewelry and most likely some kind of clothing like a top or scarf. As far as motifs, the owl was still who-who-ing away.

ArtBizJam teachers

As artists, we have so much fun getting together and networking, and it’s vital to our business. (Who says you can’t have fun while working!) Since all of us teachers at ArtBizJam were at Market, Paula Joerling, who lives a couple of blocks from Market, had us all over (picture above – Anne Brown (Anne is the Director of Product Development of Studio M at Magnet Works), Lori Siebert, Paula and myself). We had a blast planning and talking about the ArtBizJam retreat that we are hosting in September. We also came up with lots of surprises for the retreat to make it even more fun and memorable.

ArtBizJam is an artist retreat being held in the coastal town of Destin, Florida, September 18-22, 2013. The focus will be on maximazing your business growth, creative time, as well as lots of fun, networking and great food. Please check out the ArtBizJam website to read all the details. Spaces are limited so please sign up soon if you plan to be a part of this “happening” so that you don’t miss out!

ArtBizJam Experience


The above image was created for us as a surprise by artist Robin Davis who is just as excited about ArtBizJam as we are and wanted to show all that you will experience at ArtBizJam! She captured it perfectly!

Have a color filled day!



Flaunt Your Love of Sewing with Your iPhone and iPad Cases.

I love all things related to sewing and quilting! My mother taught me to sew at a very early age on an old Singer sewing machine (it wasn’t THAT old  with the foot petal operation although my grandmother had one). I have my mother’s tins filled with old buttons, etc, a bunch of vintage fabric scraps and her doll pin cushion, all of which I cherish. I used my love of sewing to create a fabric design using my favorite sewing notions  interpreted with a bit of whimsy that I showed you in my last post.


This “Sew Fun” art is now available on iPhone and iPad cases so you can flaunt your love of sewing! I created a lot of other products that are available with this art such as iPad sleeves, pillows, iPad book like cases. I’m working on more daily and will be including products such as stationery, business cards, invitations, Kindle cases and more. “Sew Fun” is available in 4 colors as you can see here.

I will be busy sewing and quilting this weekend, getting ready for Quilt Market with my new fabric collection (sneak peek coming soon), a Schoolhouse event and new patterns that I will be posting here. Enjoy your quilting and sewing and remember how its “Sew Fun”!


101010 Project – Me, Phyllis Dobbs! Who is the one……

Today is the last day of the 101010 Project, 10 Women, 10 Businesses, 10 Questions.  I will give my answer to the question in the final series post.

But first, a little information about me and my business:

Business name:  Phyllis Dobbs Art & Design




Phyllis’ Zazzle store

Phyllis’ Zazzle store for business products

Years in business: 27

A little more:  As an artist, I create art for licensing on products in the textile, gift and home goods industry. In textiles, I have designed fabric collections for 7 years with collections for  Quilting Treasures. I also focus on designing quilt and sewing patterns and have written a new quilt book “Asymmetrical Quilts”.

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?


I am in a huge network of people with the same type of business as mine.  So I would go in a different direction. Tony Ford is the one I would love to sit and talk with. I think of him as a tech guru for social media. I have attended several of Tony’s seminars and came away with so much information. He is very up to date with all of it. In today’s world, social media is so important for  business so I would discuss the rapidly changing world of social media and technology and how to use it effectively with my business. I would also like to know how more on how to work with the Panda Slap, which I didn’t know existed until the last seminar I attended of his. (Tony Ford is the COO of and the Technology Expert for the Craft and Hobby Association, CHA).

My current projects:   I am currently working on a lot of new art for licensing including art for a new fabric line as well as adding more art to products for my Zazzle stores and for products in Little Red Tulip. I also just entered into a collaboration with another quilt designer for a quilt related project.

Thank you for visiting the 101010 Project posts. Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! Thank you for visiting the 101010 Project blog series!



Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 10.

101010 Project – Shari Sherman! Who is that one person…

Today, the 101010 Project question is answered by Shari Sherman.

Shari Sherman

Business: Hula Dog Designs by Shari Sherman





Shari’s Etsy store

Years in Business: Hula Dog Designs by Shari Sherman, was started in 2010.  Prior to that, I created art as Island Girl Studio, LLC since 2004.

A little about Shari: I  make Happy Art for Happy People!  I love that thrill of getting an idea and making it come to life.  I love bright colors (especially turquoise!), strong simple lines, and adding words of inspiration to my art.  I like mixed-media because it is limitless, but painting will always be my first love.  My subject matter frequently includes dogs, books, and anything related to the ocean/beach, because that is what I LOVE.  People often smile when they see my art, and I feel like I am doing my part in making the world a happier place!

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?


I would like to sit and talk with Oprah!  That would be a dream come true!  Hopefully, we would talk about how super successful I am and how I am part of a phenomenon of artists who are spilling their hearts, following their inklings, and changing the world for the better!

Shari’s current projects: Shari is currently working on a book project calledThe Inklings.

Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! And I will be posting the answer by another artist on Monday.


Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 10.

101010 Project – Larua Otero! Who is the one……

Today’s 101010 Project question is answered by Larua Otero.

Laura Otero


2nd Blog


A little about Laura:  Laura is a marketing professional, graphic designer, writer and lover of all things creative living her best life in Charleston, SC.  On most days, you will find Laura sharing her artful adventures at, as well as helpful online tutorials, app reviews and design bits of goodness on her blog.

Blogging about online marketing has provided Laura an outlet to share much of what she has learned through her years in the online tourism and television markets.  Her online marketing journey began in 2005, when she was internet marketing director for her local tourism bureau – when social media was emerging. She also worked in internet sales/marketing for a top NBC station in South Carolina, whose website drew more than 500,000 visitors a month.

In 2010, Laura signed up for Kelly Rae Roberts “Flying Lessons” e-course.  She immersed herself into artistic pursuits away from the computer and shares her progress with her readers at

Laura enjoys art journaling, painting, tweeting, making jewelry, traveling and (of course) blogging. She has been known to hold a craft tweet-up and loves handmade items.

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?


I’d love to sit and talk with Kelly Rae Roberts.  Having followed her blog for years, I signed up for her “Flying Lessons” course over two years ago and loved it.  She has inspired so many “flyers” from all around the world.  I feel like I found my creative “tribe” online through Kelly. We have a Facebook group where we connect, and have since followed each other’s blogs and twitter accounts.

What I love about Kelly most is…     Her belief in herself,  her gorgeous art,  her inspiring quotes painted into her work,  her spirit, and her writing/blogging.

What would we talk about? I’d ask her to share her dream-to-life process.  For example, how does she know what direction to take her art biz? I’m sure it’s part-heart and part-biz savvy, but I’d love to know the process from start to finish! I’d also ask her how she structures her day in terms of art and blogging/biz computer stuff.  I try to write my blog posts in blocks, but they don’t always feel as inspiring to me that way.

I’d ask her what the one thing is that she would have done differently over the past few years.  I have a tendency to take on too much at once, and I have noticed she also works very, very hard. She taught the first Flying Lessons class when she was very pregnant and moving! Does she regret pushing herself so hard, or is it necessary to grow the biz?  I’m learning to take more time for self-care and quiet time, which is why I’m curious.

Then I would thank her from the bottom of my heart for being such an inspiring force for so many of us creatives!

Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! Please check back tomorrow for my answer in the final post of this 101010 Project blog series!


Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 1


101010 Project – Valerie Weller! Who is that one person…

Today, Valerie Weller answers the 101010 Project question.

Valerie Weller

Business: Twig2Nest Studio


Valerie’s Etsy store

Website (launching soon)




Years in Business: 30 years in the business of art and graphic design.

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?


If we are referring to the here and now…I’d love to sit down and chat with Flora Bowley and Kelly Rae Roberts together. I’ve been influenced by both of these dynamic women through several recent courses I’ve taken, that a chat would be invaluable. I’d be most interested in learning more about Flora’s business story, and how she was able to position herself to teach, create, and travel as the foundation of what she does. With Kelly, I’d be most interested in discussing my art direction and her thoughts on my “art transition” in business. Between both of these ladies, I know I’d gather some very fruitful advice.

And of course… (this is how my mind thinks…) if we are talking about a person that has passed, I’d be way excited to speak to Sergeant, Sorolla, or Cezanne about painting and color. Just have to cover all bases.

Valerie’s current projects: My website (projected launch- July) and an online watercolor e-course (in-process-stay tuned to blog posts for launch date)


Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! And I will be posting the answer by another artist on Monday.


Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 10.

101010 Project – Dani Keith! Who is that one person….

The 101010 Project question is answered today by Dani Keith.

dani keith

Business: dani keith designs

Dani’s Blog

Dani’s Etsy store



Years in business – 2

A little about dani:  She is a maker of pretty things. grower of dreams. catalyst for creativity.  dani keith has been creating for a lifetime. In the spring of 2010 she was set up on a blind date with metal smithing, and she says it was instant, true and deep love at first fusing! She is constantly evolving, and is genuinely excited to see where each turn takes her.

Artist statement: “I find the beauty in the simple geometry of shape and transform metal into a story that the wearer wants to be apart of.”

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?


I feel as though I am the luckiest of creatives in that the giants of my artisan jewelry world are very accessible, I have bench space with Ginger Meek Allen and have had the recent pleasure to meet with and talk to Ken Bova.  Both artists create a life based on their art and make exceptional artisan jewelry.  Having people who talk about creating a create life without the notion of being a starving artist is so vital. I also believe that is is so essential to seek out the people in your sphere that have taken their art/craft to the next level that you aspire too and reach out…most people in our lines of work are very generous with their knowledge and time.

Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! And I will be posting the answer by another artist tomorrow.


Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 10.

101010 Project – Stephanie Guimond! Who is that one person….

The 101010 Project question today is answered by Stephanie Guimond

Stephanie Guimond 101010 Project

Business – Stephanie Guimond – Artist, visionary, avid left-brainer

Stephanie’s Blog




Artist Profile

Years in Business – Less than 1

A little about Stephanie – I’m Stephanie Guimond, artist, visionary and avid left-brainer. I paint, I dream big and I love spreadsheets.

In 2008 I picked up a paint brush for the first time since kindergarten and haven’t put it down since. My art, like myself, varies in style and personality from the vintage girly to the unexplainable abstract. The most common theme is visibly the feminine, but I’m always exploring…

Working with materials like acrylics, paper, pastels and ink, I’m drawn to an intuitive and fluid approach to painting where images appear organically before being polished into a finished product. Because of this intuitive nature, pieces are heavily influenced by what I’m living the week, the day or the moment they are created. They reflect a personal story that in an odd way infuses them with a universal quality.

I share my home with hubby and Cassie, our Golden Retriever. I left my 9-5 job last fall to try something different, and spend most of my days working in my guest bedroom turned office/studio creating art and other paid work that supports the life I want to create overall.

I am grateful for the opportunity.

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?

Only one person? Gosh.
I think I’ll have to go with Tara Gentile, I respect the expertise she can offer. I’d love to chat about what next steps and/or products would yield the greatest potential for income relatively quickly, pricing, and how & where to best engage with my target market. While we’re at it, I’d also love to hear about her core business model and strategic planning process.

Stephanie’s current projects – a new Website, growing my business with a new left-brain offering called Get Clear, Get Moving (coming soon!), learning to balance it all in my own way.

Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! And I will be posting the answer by another artist on Monday.


Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 10.




101010 Project – Robin Norgren! Who is that one person….

The 101010 Project question today is answered by Robin Norgren.

Robin Norgren

Business – Robin Norgren Studios

Robin’s Blog

Robin’s Website



Years in business: 4 years

A little about Robin:  I strive to live life to the fullest.  No matter what.  I have grown into myself through my love for Jesus and HIS LOVE FOR ME. Art, motherhood, business, creativity and yoga are the cherished vehicles for this deepening.   Life can be FULL, JUICY, MEANINGFUL, PURPOSE FILLED, LOVELY.  I want to help you come to your fullest life.  I create workbooks, ecourses and workshops that chronicle my change and growth and offer you ways to find out what YOUR FULLEST life will be.

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?

Robin –

So the first person that came to my mind is Danielle LaPorte.  Pretty much everything I read that she puts out into the world is a direct challenge to me to:

Move.  Grow.  Think.  Trust.   Believe.  Launch and Learn.  Begin Again.

In other words, she cuts through the B.S.  And not in this pie in the sky way. She is not telling me to quit my day job and go for my dreams.  She is challenging to think about the motives behind that and then once I am clear about that, begin to do a little more of what you want to do and a little less of what I do not want to do.  Practical, right?

But here is the thing.  If I were able to gain an audience with her, the last thing I would want to do is talk.  She could pretty much take any of her talks and maybe add to it based on her present experiences.  Because for me repetition is good.

Robin’s current projects: Robin is currently completing her life coaching certification and would LOVE to offer you a FREE 15 minute mini session – sign up for her mailing list here:

Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! And I will be posting the answer by another artist tomorrow.


Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 10.