ArtBizJam – Interview with artist Lori Siebert

Lori Siebert, a very successful licensing artist, tells why she is excited about being a part of the artist retreat ArtBizJam next month. Lori, licensing artist Paula Joerling, and product developer Anne Brown and I will be hosting a fun packed and educational artist’s retreat at the beach in Destin, Fl.  It promises to be an unforgettable weekend.

You can find out more at

Lori Siebert ArtBizJam
In addition to happy hours, a shrimp boil and lots of freebies and surprises we will also be sharing valuable information on running an art-driven business.

We are keeping this gathering small and we are almost at full capacity. Also registration closes on August 10th (Saturday).

For the past month I have been sharing interviews with the “instructors” that will be participating. This weeks interview is with Lori Siebert but be sure to check out interviews with  and Anne and myself.

Why did you want to be involved with ArtBizJam?

One of the wonderful things about creative people is how they love to be together and share ideas and support one another. I truly value my creative friends. This is an opportunity to do just what I love…spend time with fun, interesting people and share what I have learned along the way… while having an incredibly fun time.

What will people get out of attending this particular workshop? 

A lot of camaraderie, fun, bonding and support from other creative people…thought provoking conversation about your dreams and goals, practical classes about the business side of things, good fun, wine, the beach.

What will people get out of attending this particular workshop?

A lot of camaraderie, fun, bonding and support from other creative people…thought provoking conversation about your dreams and goals, practical classes about the business side of things, good fun, wine, the beach.

What makes this workshop/retreat special and different from other workshops?

When we talked about how to make this different,we decided on two things…make it small and intimate so we can really cater to the people who attend…and make it about BOTH side of the brain. We all love to create…that is a given…but,we also have to find ways to be efficient and make money…so we can continue to make a living creatively. This is what we want to share.

How do you reconcile your passion of creating art with the business side of art?

I am really lucky in that my husband is my business partner and we have an agent,CourtneyDavis. I really do get to focus on the creative. But,it is important to have an understanding of our business as a whole and where it is going.

What are you looking forward to fun-wise with ArtBizJam?

Time with really great, creative folks…great food,sharing,learning from one another…an overall re-charge!

You can read more about the classes, schedule, instructors at ArtBizJam.  If you have any questions, please contact me or one of the other instructors.

We hope to see you at ArtBizJam!



ArtBizJam Interview with Guest Instructor Anne Brown

This week’s interview is with Anne Brown, Director of Product Development for Magnet Works and Studio M. As an artist, I find it completely spellbinding listening to Anne talk about the development side of creating product lines. You can have the opportunity to learn from Anne as one of the instructors at ArtBizJam, an artist retreat/workshop taking place in Destin, FL September 18-22, 2013.

Anne Brown ArtbizJam

You can join Anne, licensing artists Lori Siebert, Paula Joerling and myself for fun on the beach, a little wine and lots of information about the business side of art licensing as well as creative play time with new techniques!

We want to keep it small so that some of the discussions can be tailored to your specific needs. We are almost full and registration closes August 10.

You can find all the details at

Among other things, Anne will be discussing the following topics at ABJ.

1. Finding Your Creative Spark. Everyone has one but some have yet to define and commit to it. Anne will discuss the importance of identifying your Spark, what ignites it and how to stay true to it.

2. Share Your Spark. Learn from a Product Developer ! Anne will discuss her perspective of what a product developer wants to see in portfolio presentations and their expectations during development. You will learn how to determine which products best work for your artwork.

3.  Ignite Your Spark. A trending field trip to learn the in’s and out’s of determining trends, plus much more information on correctly predicting trends.

You can see the full class schedule for ArtBizJam.

Artbizjam date

Anne’s Interview:

Why did you want to be involved with ArtBizJam?

When Lori, Paula and Phyllis called me to share their vision for the retreat, I was inspired by their passion and purpose. I was thrilled to be included as a guest teacher.

What will people get out of attending this particular workshop?

I hope the participants walk away with a better sense of their creative purpose and tools to enrich their business and art.

What makes this workshop/retreat special and different from other workshops?

ArtBizJam is a creative renewal that encourages realness, vision and kinship. I love that it was tailor-made for an intimate group of artists who are interested in growing personally and professionally while having a blast doing it!

How do you reconcile your passion of developing product with the business side of art?

My passion and job is developing products with licensed artists and designers. As a Product Developer, it is crucial I am always looking through the lens of my retail customer and end consumer. This means there are times I have to pass on an artist I admire personally because it is not the right fit for my product.

What are you looking forward to fun-wise with ArtBizJam?

I am looking forward to a long weekend of learning, sharing and creativity…on the beach. Our hostesses have taken great care in planning every detail and know this will be a memorable weekend!

We look forward to seeing you at ArtBiz Jam!


ArtBizJam, A Unique Artist Retreat

I’m so excited to be part of a new and unique artist retreat, ArtBizJam  with Lori Siebert, Paula Joerling and Anne Brown! It will be held in the beach resort of Destin, FL, home of sugar white sand beaches and turquoise blue water, September 18-22, 2013.

ArtBizJam artist retreat

ArtBizJam is different from other retreats as half of the focus, the Business Side, is devoted to the business aspects of being a professional artist to give you the tools to maximize your business growth. I guarantee it won’t be “business boring”, but filled with exciting classes that you will love and with information you will take to your studios and begin using immediately. The Creative Side of ArtBizJam  will rejuvenate your creativity.

Artist Retreat in Destin FL

Being creative is the nature of the artist, however, its easy to loose our spark or get in a repetitive rut.  We all need to try different things and techniques to keep our art fresh and exciting. All of the classes are being taught by 3 professional artists with years of experience in creating art for textiles, giftware, garden and stationery products, and wall art publishers and by a product developer who has worked with leading top gift companies and will share her expertise in developing concepts, product lines and working with licensing artsts.

ArtBizJam Sept 18 2013

To quote Albert Schweitzer (1875 -1965) In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

Join us and light your inner fire! All information about this unique artist retreat can be found at ArtBizJam.

Due to the small intimate setting of this jam, spaces are limited, so BOOK EARLY to insure you will be a part of ArtBizJam!
