Each year, as the year gets close to the end, I always wonder how can it be over already. It seems like only a few months have passed. I think working hard and working with something I love makes the time fly faster. I love creating both new art and new quilting/sewing designs so the days just whiz by.
Thinking ahead to the new year always brings thoughts of new resolutions. But by January 10th or so (if that long), they are usually forgotten as I’ve settled back into my normal daily routine. So, I’ve settled on one word for next year’s resolution – TRY. That’s all one can do, and my “try” will be trying some new things and some new directions as well expanding on the things I’m already doing. OK, I know there’s only so many hours in the day to “try” to squeeze my new resolution in, but there are some 2-word sub-resolutions that can help, “Better Organization” or “Less Sleep” (I really don’t like the last one so I need to work on the first).

TRY reminds me of an old saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”. I’m not quite sure I like that saying because you don’t have to fail or not succeed to keep trying. By trying, you can improve on something good or successful. TRY can also cover a multitude of plans, from trying to be a better person to trying to keep my plants alive by remembering to water them.
Thinking back over the past year, I am thankful for many things. Foremost, I’m thankful for my family and friends. My son moved back to Birmingham this year, to my delight, so I get to see him much more often. I enjoyed spending more time with other members of my family as well as friends.
I am thankful for all of you who read my blog, comment or send me emails. You all mean more to me than you know!
I wish each of you a great and Happy New Year, peace and happiness! I hope your wishes and dreams come true!