Fun Crafty Products at the CHA Summer Show

The exhibitors at the Summer CHA Trade show showcased some really cool products and displays in spite of the heat outside!  I attended the Craft and Hobby tradeshow which was held in Chicago during July and had a delightful time checking everything out.  The focus of the summer show is scrapbooking and all the papers and products that go with creating anything with paper.

Amazing paper dresses have been created for Paper Runways in past shows and this show hosted a Crafty Couture Runway featuring dresses made with mixed media.  Two displays featured 18 dresses with the 6 winning entries to be featured in Coth Paper Scissors magazine.

Mixed Media dresses in CHA's Crafty Couture display

Julie Fei-Fan Balzer‘s dress won “fan favorite” with her fabulous dress of art journaling and made with paper.

Julie Fei-Fan Balzer dress in the CHA Crafty Couture display

This dreamy white dress was created by Lorine Mason and Eileen Hull.  It may look like fabric, but the dress was created with white craft foam.

Lorine Mason and Eileen Hull's dress in CHA's Crafty Couture

As a purse and shoe addict, I loved the displays in the booth for Zutter Innovate Products. Check out this paper purse and the paper shoes. Aren’t they “to die for”, although I wouldn’t dare to walk the show with heels this high. Let your imagination run wild and you can create anything with paper.

Paper Purse in the Zutter Innovate Booth at the CHA showPaper shoes on display in the Zutter booth at the CHA show

The Ribbon Ring booth made your mouth water and your stomach growl with their displays of luscious pastries made with ribbon. A chocolate cake, a wedding cake, cupcakes, bonbon’s and candy were all gorgeous!

Ribbon Chocolate Cake by Ribbon RingCupcakes made with ribbon by Ribbon Ring

Delicious looking ribbon cupcakes by Ribbon Ring for the CHA show

And although it was July, Christmas trees covered with paper ornaments were displayed in the DCWV (Die Cuts With a View) booth. All of the trees were beautiful but I especially loved the whimsy of the upside down Christmas tree.  I took some close-ups of a couple of the other trees to show the beautiful paper flowers.

Christmas ornaments made with DCWV scrapbook papers for the CHA show

Close up of Christmas flowers made with DCWV papersDCWV paper flowers decorating a Christmas Tree

The eCraft electronic cutter by Craftwell caught my eye. I love that this cutter does not use cutting mats and can cut to any length. And as a bonus, the color choices for the cutters are yummy. With this sleek and streamlined design, it looks like the sports car of cutting machines.

eCraft electronic cutter at the CHA summer show.

I just adore the seals and sealing wax in the Manuscript Calligraphy booth. I love the way the sealing wax with the seals can be used to decorate gifts and notes as you can see in the close up of the gift wrapped boxes on display in their booth. If I were to receive a gift wrapped so elegantly, I would have a hard time tearing it open…but I would, just carefully on the back side.

Seals from Manuscript Calligraphy

The day before the show opened was filled with educational seminars, workshops and classes. I presented a seminar on Adobe Illustrator covering the basics of using Illustrator and the tools. CHA has a well rounded education program geared to all memebers – designers, retailers and manufacturers.

Phyllis Dobbs teaching Adobe Illustrator at the CHA show

Here’s a peek at the show floor.  Although busy, I caught an aisle during a brief lull.

Show floor at the CHA summer Show

Happy crafting to all of you! I’m already looking forward to the winter show in Annaheim, CA.


Live chats still available.

If you missed my live chat on the Fiber Arts/Mixed Media forum, you can still read the chat.  I duscuss Art Marketing and Licensing and had a lot of quesitons asked from attendees all around the world.  In addition, if you have any questions, you can ask them on the Fiber Arts/Mixed Media forum and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Also if you missed my interview on BlogTalkRadio, Inspired at Home with Tiffany Windsor, you can also listen to it.  I am interviewed on trendspotting – how to find trends and using trends in crafting, designing and decor.

I would love to hear what you have so say, so please post any comment or questions that you may have.


Invitation to join me Sunday night for a live chat!

I am very fortunate to have two events Sunday night (May 24).  At 4:00 p.m. EST, I am going to be the guest for the live chat on the Fiber Arts/Mixed Media Forum with Susan Sorrell.  My topic will be Art Marketing and Licensing.

At 7:15 p.m. EST, I will be on Inspired at Home with Tiffany Windsor on BlogTalkRadio. My topic will be Trending and using trends in designing, home decor, and crafts.

I would love to have you join me as you will be able to ask questions.  If you are unable to join in, you can still listen to to the interviews later by visiting the above links.

I had some wonderful pictures that I took at Quilt Market.  However, something happened to my disk with the photos and all the files were corrupted with strange file names.  I have been unable to open them to post the pictures.  What a bummer!  If any of you know how this could have happened, please let me know.

Quilt Market was wonderful, upbeat and exciting!  I will write more about it in the next couple of days and hopefully, I can get some pictures that my friends took to show you.

I hope to visit with you tomorrow night!
