Look Around and Observe the Patterns

Sometimes (or most of the time) we are so focused on what we are doing or thinking that we don’t look around us. By just stopping to observe our surroundings, there is so much pattern, detail and color that we normally don’t notice.

While in Atlanta for the Gift Market this month, I looked down the escalators in Building 1 and snapped a photo because it looked interesting from my viewpoint.

Escalators in Atlanta Gift Market Building 2

This photo was taken on the 14th floor. The 6th floor is at the bottom of the escalator shaft.  After attending Gift Market many times and going round and round and round on the escalators from 6th floor to 18th floor, I never noticed the pattern seen from looking down the center of the shaft.

Atlanta Gift Market floor Building 3

Walking in Building 3 of the Mart, I looked across the center  from around the 7th or 8th floor and saw this pattern formed by the elevator shaft and escalators.  I wish I had taken a picture looking down from a higher floor, but thought this looked very balanced.

View of Building 3 Atlanta Market

This is another view of the pattern formed by the open floors in Building 3 looking from the escalators. The curvature of the floors from this angle gives a different look and pattern.

Marriott Marquis Atlanta pattern of floors

After I took the pictures of the floor patterns in Market, I was in a mental mode of observing other patterns.  As I walked through the lobby of the Marriott Marquis on the way to the Hilton where I was staying, I looked up and saw this dynamic view of the floors and arrangement. It was really beautiful to see, especially since the floor vertical arrangement is not symmetrical. Previously being mentally focused on other things, it took several trips through the Marriott before I looked up and noticed it.

Atlanta Hilton Floor Repeat pattern

I noticed that the Hilton also has a pattern by looking up.  This is looking up from the 14th floor, but there were almost solid floors looking up and down so the view wasn’t as dramatic.  This view is interesting with the elevator shaft going up through the opening.  It looks like a higher view would have a better view pattern formed by open floors.

So, take a moment to look up, look down and all around you to really observe things you might be missing. Its so easy to be tunnel visioned in your thoughts or conversations.
