101010 Project – Valerie Weller! Who is that one person…

Today, Valerie Weller answers the 101010 Project question.

Valerie Weller

Business: Twig2Nest Studio


Valerie’s Etsy store

Website (launching soon)




Years in Business: 30 years in the business of art and graphic design.

The Question #8:  Who is that one person you would like to sit and talk with about your business?


If we are referring to the here and now…I’d love to sit down and chat with Flora Bowley and Kelly Rae Roberts together. I’ve been influenced by both of these dynamic women through several recent courses I’ve taken, that a chat would be invaluable. I’d be most interested in learning more about Flora’s business story, and how she was able to position herself to teach, create, and travel as the foundation of what she does. With Kelly, I’d be most interested in discussing my art direction and her thoughts on my “art transition” in business. Between both of these ladies, I know I’d gather some very fruitful advice.

And of course… (this is how my mind thinks…) if we are talking about a person that has passed, I’d be way excited to speak to Sergeant, Sorolla, or Cezanne about painting and color. Just have to cover all bases.

Valerie’s current projects: My website www.valerieweller.com (projected launch- July) and an online watercolor e-course (in-process-stay tuned to blog posts for launch date)


Below are the other artists and the questions they will be hosting. Please check them out! And I will be posting the answer by another artist on Monday.


Laure Otero – #1 – Is it necessary for your business to line up with your soul purpose?  What value is there to having that aligned?

Stephanie Guimond – #2 – Do you have a business mentor?  What value does that offer to your experiences as a business owner?

Shari Sherman – #3 – What animal would represent your first year of business.

Robin Norgren – #4 – What business/businesses have you chosen to model your business after?

Dani Keith – #5 – At this moment, what one idea do you need to start executing for your business?

Paula Joerling – #6 – What part of your business have you delegated or put on hold in order to focus your energy more efficiently?

Valerie Weller – #7 – How did you finally decide on the look of your brand?  What did the evolution look like?

Due to life’s twists and turns, this session of the 101010 Project features 8 participants instead of 10.