An unexpected treasure – a wonderful metal dress form.

Sometimes the unexpected happens – you find something that you didn’t know you were looking for until you see it! Look at this fabulous dress form I found in, of all places, Tuesday Morning.  I was shopping with my friend Brenda Pinnick for unique items to craft with when I spotted this dress form.  Its perfect for displaying aprons (I have several patterns mentally designed so I could “justify” buying it!)

A few months ago, I scoured the internet looking for the perfect dress form to display aprons and found a wicker one that I liked.  Now my wicker gal has a little sister joining her in my studio.

The only downside is that I was at the beach and had to convince my husband that I could pack around it for our trip home – not an easy task with either the convincing or the packing! I know its not the typical beach purchase, but a treasure is a treasure!

Please check back for a Halloween apron that I’m working on as well as for some other special arts and crafts that were created while beaching.


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  1. Hi Phyllis – Great find! Guess what, I found one similar in a little shop coming home from Minnesota this past Market. I’ll be sharing on my blog at some point, maybe when I get my studio cleaned up! :-O

  2. How adorable is that?! I can’t wait to see it all dressed up in your adorable fabrics. You’ll have to post pics from your booth.

  3. I’m envious! This dress form was a great find.

  4. Ms. Dobbs,

    I wanted to ask if you could provide me with the 7-digit SKU number (found on the price sticker) or 12-digit product number (found under the description on the receipt) from this Tuesday Morning product.

    I actually saw this in a store near me, and was saving my money to purchase it. It was between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and wanted to make sure I had enough money to purchase gifts for others first. Alas, when I went back to get it, it was gone. I understand if I have one or the other of those numbers, I can search their other stores for the item. Would you be kind enough to help me? I would be so grateful.

    Thank you. I am jealous…it is beautiful! I hope I am lucky enough to find one for myself. Take care and best wishes for a wonderful New Year!

    Regards, Maureen Kirkner

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