I was delighted to attend Quiltcon, presented by the Modern Quilt Guild in February. Quiltcon is a beautiful and amazing quilt show, with wonderful classes and lectures. Not only was the location in Pasadena, CA beautiful, the weather was also (well, except for the day I arrived when it poured rain). I want to share a few of the gorgeous quilts exhibited at the show.
Modern Quilt Guilds throughout the US and several countries submitted entries for the “Member Charity Challenge”. These quilts were displayed through the hall of the convention center and in rooms for viewing. This quilt is “My Baltimore” by the Baltimore MQG. I showed many of these quilts in my Instagram and Facebook posts while atending Quiltcon.

“David Bowie” was designed by Holly Hickman and was in the Moda fabric booth. I think this quilt was shown on social media more than any other quilt there! You can find more information about the making of this quilt on Moda’s Blog.

“Falling” is by Kathy York of Austin, Texas. The batik cirlces reminded her of strands of beads so she hand stitched some dashed lines to represent the cording. This quilt was entered in the “Use of Negative Space” category.

“Cat Face” was by Megan Callahan of Bakersfield, CA. and was entered under the “Piecing” category.

“Handcrafted Triangles” is by Jennifer Johnston of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada and was entered in the “Improvisation” category. I love all the colors.

“My Brother’s Jeans” by Melissa Averinos won “Best in the Show”. She found the jeans in the trash after her brother’s death.

“Picnic Petals” is by Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill of Woodbridge, CT and was entered in the “Modern Traditionalism” category.

“Puttin’ on the Glitz” is by Gina Boyd of Davis, CA and was entered in the Glitz Fabric Challenge by Michael Miller Fabrics.

“Square Dance” is by Carol Dennis of Garland, TX and was entered in the “Piecing” category.

“The Big Swirl” by Betsy Vinegrad of Short Hills, NJ, was entered in the Glitz Fabric Challenge by Michael Miller Fabrics.

“Whimsical Logs” by Letitia Chung of San Francisco, CA, was entered in the “Modern Traditionalism” category and won 1st place.

“Red Hot” by Shawna Doering of Denver, CO, was entered in the “Use of Negative Space” category and won the Judge’s Choice Award.

“Making Triangles” was made by Dawn Golstab of Leander, TX. This quilt was entered in the Triangle Quilt Challenge.

In addition to lectures and classes, there were also demonstrations in the exhibit hall. I really enjoyed this block printing demonstration by Valori Wells. You can see some of the gorgeous fabrics she created with her block prints on the table in front of her. I learned a little about block printing in college and was so inspired watching Valorie that I bought her book “My Life in Fabric”afterwards

An exhibit of quilts by Gwen Marston created a display of beautiful colors. She also gave a lecture that I thoroughly enjoyed. She is so colorful in all that she does!

In addition to all the color and quilts, I enjoyed spending time with a very good friend, Robin Pickens. We definitely inspired each other shopping in the vendor area! One can’t have too many quilt supplies! Robin had lived in the Pasadena area several years ago and gave me a tour of parts of it and I enjoyed meeting her lovely family. Spending time with a friend and lots of talking was icing on the cake for Quiltcon!
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the quilts! I tried to get all the information correct, but if I have any mistakes, I apologize and hope that someone will let me know so that I can correct it. There were so many more absolutely breathtaking quilts and I wish I could show them all.
Keep quilting!