The International Quilt Market is always beautiful and filled with great products. The recent Spring Quilt Market in Portland, OR, was no exception. Here are some of the photos I took during market.
The first thing I notice when attending a Quilt Market in Portland is the beautiful flowers that are in bloom everywhere. Rhododendron is always in bloom with spectacular colors and are in abundance outside the convention center.

I was working with Gutermann of USA while at market. I also decorated their booth and used some of my fabric collections with Quilting Treasures to make the quilts. (Most of these patterns are available for free here on my blog – Halloween, Bee Yourself quilt, Bee Yourself Placemat, Birthday banner .) I love Gutermann threads and heard the same comment from so many people during market. Our sewing machines also love Gutermann, so if yours is acting grouchy, try Gutermann threads to make it smile.

I was excited that my next fabric collection, “Wild Flower” with Quilting Treasures was being pre-sold at market. I can’t wait to show you pictures of this collection, so check back. A friend who also has fabrics with Quilting Treasures, J Wecker Frish, has a new fabric collection coming soon, “She Who Sews”. As you can see in the picture below, it will be another fabulous collection .

June Tailor, Inc always has a beautiful booth. The Hexagon Ruler ,”You Hexie Thing,” and Grid Marker are both fabulous quilting tools. You can see the beautiful quilts and sewing that can be created using them. Hexie’s are so hot in quilting!

Another product, the Swatch Buddies, caught my eye. These are reusable plastic cards that let you mount fabric swatches on one side and write swatch information on the other side. You can shop for multiple projects at the same time by creating rings of Swatch Buddies for each project. You can also use these for your color palette when building your fabric stash. Another use it to attach them to a fabric bin so that you can see what fabrics are in the bin. I really think that there are many, many uses that they will be handy for.

This really cute tulle tutu was created by my friend Debi Schmitz for the Expo International booth She used various accessory pieces from Expo International to decorate a bodice. Its so feminine!

The Pfaff USA sewing machine booth had several really unique and beautiful quilts on display. This one, “Positively Paisley”, is by Robyn Smith of Austin Sewing Machines. She used a combination of free motion and quilting designs created with the 5D Quilt Designer software.

This is a close up of the detail of one of the paisleys in the quilt.

The quilt below, “Porcelain Peacock” in the Pfaff booth, was created by 5 ladies from The Quilting Hen. Its very dimension and textured.

Therm-o-Web had a really cute display of projects you can make using HeatnBond.

One of the benefits of having Quilt Market in Portland is that there is so much natural beauty in area. I could easily spend a week touring throughout Oregon. We did have a half day after setup to sight see and went to Multnomah Falls that is located about 30 minutes from Portland. This waterfall is so tall (620 feet) that its just about impossible to get the entire set of falls in a single photo. In the bottom photo, the small light speck on the right side of the bridge is me.

The mountains in Oregon and Washington are spectacular and I had a terrific view of 3 of Washington’s mountains from my window shortly after takeoff. Mt. St. Helens is the flat topped mountain at the left. Mt. Rainier is in the center top with Mt. Adams at the right side. They may be hard to pick out at first glance due to the puffy clouds.

You can click to see my first post of the Spring Quilt Market with some of the spectacular quilts on exhibit.
Now, I’m already looking forward to Fall Quilt Market in Houston.